Welcome to Holly Class (Mr Chafer) and Chestnut Class (Mrs Gillmore)
Welcome to Year 1 Holly and Chestnut Classes.
Mr Chafer and Mrs Gillmore and the Year 1 Team have planned an exciting term ahead for you! Our Autumn Term topic is 'Seasonal Changes'.
There will be lots of opportunities to make connections through our learning across the curriculum. We will continue with Grammarsaurus where your child is learning about the place value of grammar and punctuation.
In Year 1 we will support you to be the best you can be. By following the Sandy Hill STARS values, you will be encouraged to demonstrate them within lessons and will be rewarded for your efforts. Sandy Hill STARS learners are: Self-Motivated, Thinkers, Aspirational, Resilient and Supportive. Each and every one of you shine when learning and we love to see you shining brightly!
Our P.E days are as follows:
Chestnut Class: Mondays
Holly Class: Fridays
Year One Chestnut Classroom