Miss O'Brien
Year 3 Teacher, History and Geography Lead
Mr Talbot
Year 3 Teacher
Mrs Stevens
HLTA in Ash Class
Mrs James
Year 3 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Chapman
Year 3 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Winslade
Year 3 Teaching Assistant
Autumn Term in Year 3
We are really excited to welcome our new Year 3 cohort in September. Our topic for this Autumn term is Stone Age to Iron Age, with lots of great cross-curricular links.
In English, we will begin the year by embedding further our grammar skills using the Grammarsaurus scheme. We will focus on what makes a sentence by identifying nouns, verbs and the punctuation needed. Children will be introduced to the author David Walliams reading his humorous book 'Gangsta Granny' as our first Year 3 class novel.
In Maths, the children will be focusing on place value. They will be introduced to formal written methods of arithmetic using column addition and subtraction. This term, we will be learning the 4 times tables, in a variety of active and engaging ways. Whilst also consolidating the 2's, 5's and 10's as previously taught in year 2.
P.E in Elm class will be every Tuesday and in Ash class it will be every Wednesday. Children will need to come to school wearing their P.E. kits on these days. Our PE topics this term are gymnastics and netball.
We can't wait to welcome our new Year 3's as they start off on their Key Stage 2 journey!