
The Nursery Day

Session times: Mornings – 8:30am – 11:30am / Afternoons – 12:00pm – 3:00pm / All day 8:30 - 3:00pm

Whether your child will be attending our morning or afternoon sessions, you and your Nursery child will enter the main school gates at the time your child's Nursery session begins. Parents will then take their child to the Nursery gate where they will be greeted by their teacher. 

At the end of your child's Nursery session, they will be collected from the same place at the Nursery gate.

Please note further guidance will be given regarding drop off and collection times. For the first three weeks of Nursery the children will be given different timings for the transition period and timings will be staggered accordingly to allow a smooth transition into Nursery. This information will be given to all new starters as part of their 'Welcome Packs'.


At Sandy Hill Nursery we are proud to offer effective school-based provision. School-based provision includes a more structured approach to teaching Phonics, Maths and Topic related learning. Both our morning and afternoon sessions are planned effectively to ensure all children have access to the same learning experiences. 

At the start of the nursery day, your child will be welcomed with a friendly smile and a warm greeting from the nursery team. From the offset, your child will be encouraged and supported by the adults in the setting. We firmly believe that developing positive relationships are paramount in order for your child to thrive within the nursery setting. 

Once inside the nursery, your child will be supported to develop their independence with self-care needs. Your child will have their own peg to keep their personal belongings together and safe. Developing independence and resilience are vital foundations for children in order to be successful life-long learners.

The nursery day consists of some direct teaching staggered throughout the day. Such as, Phonics, Maths and Topic related learning. These provide short, focused direct teaching activities that then link into their self-initiated play.

During continuous provision, your child will be able to explore the wide range of activities and available tools and resources that have been taught and modelled with the children. The activities are planned effectively to cover all areas of the EYFS curriculum through a range of topics.

At Sandy Hill Nursery, we pride ourselves in supporting children through their toilet training phase. We understand that all children are unique and will learn and develop skills at different times throughout their lives. Therefore, we ensure that every child is supported through these phases effectively. 

Sandy Hill Academy
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