

To support transition into nursery we ask the children and their families to create an ‘All About Me Box’ over the Summer or Christmas holidays depending on which term your child would be starting with us. 
Please provide a decorated shoe box containing photographs, objects and artefacts that are important to your child. This will help us to get to know your child and support the settling in process. These will be returned to you during the end of the first half term. Have a look under the 'Parents' tab where you can find a video of Mrs Adams sharing her 'All About Me box'. 
We will provide parents/carers with more information after your child has been enrolled.
Please see the 'Starting school' page under the 'Parents' tab for information about the transition from Nursery to Reception. 
Click on the image below to view our 'Welcome to Reception 2025-2026' Prospectus ebook. 

Sandy Hill Academy
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