

PE or Physical Education is a key driver in the development of well-rounded citizens at Sandy Hill due to the values it harnesses.


In PE we aim to:

  •          Develop a love of physical activity for life through high quality PE
  •          Enhance the physical literacy journey in all learners
  •          Further enhance social, emotional, cognitive and physical wellbeing in all children

In School Sport we aim to:

  •          Provide enriching, engaging and extension opportunities for all

In Physical Activity we aim to:

  •          Provide physical activity within the school day to all learners, encourage active travel and physical activity outside of school
Please see the document links at the end of this page to learn about the full Physical Education curriculum at Sandy Hill Academy. PE: Physical Education, SS: School Sport and PA: Physical Activity
Useful websites for Pupils and Parents/Carers
Document Links
The document below is an example of skills progression in Physical Education for the specific learning strand of 'Athletics' from EYFS to Year 6.
We have placed the STAR vales at the heart of our school. In EYFS they focus on developing understanding of the school rules, in KS1 and KS2  they focus on the school rules and the STARS values.
My Personal Best is a highly effective Youth Sport Trust initiative that drives personal development through PE, School Sport and Physical Activity initially before it filters throughout the rest of school life. At Sandy Hill we embrace this. 

Sandy Hill Academy
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Sandy Hill Academy. All rights reserved. 2025